1. a lower layer [stratum ((複 -ta))]; an underlayer
  1. 下層階級the lower class(es); the proletariat
  1. 下層社会the lower strata of society
  1. 下層流an undercurrent
  1. cremation
    • 遺体は火葬にされた
    • The body was cremated.
  1. 火葬許可証a certificate permitting cremation
  1. 火葬場a crematorium; a crematory

    仮葬する bury temporarily;《文》 lay ((a body)) in a temporary resting place

  1. disguise ((oneself as))
    • 海賊に仮装した
    • He 「disguised himself [was disguised] as a pirate.
  1. 仮装行列a costume parade; a fancy dress parade
  1. 仮装巡洋艦a converted cruiser
  1. 仮装売買〔証券の〕 《米》 a wash sale
  1. 仮装舞踏会a masked [costume] ball; a masquerade; a fancy dress ball
  1. imagination; supposition

    仮想する imagine; suppose ((that))

    仮想の imaginary

  1. 仮想現実virtual reality
  1. 仮想敵国「a hypothetical [an imaginary;a potential] enemy(▼potentialは実際にそうなりうることを示す)
  1. 仮想訴訟〔法律学で〕a fictitious suit
  1. 仮想メモリー〔コンピュータで〕virtual memory
  1. the aspect of a house
    • この家は家相がよい[悪い]
    • This house faces a lucky [an unlucky] direction.

