1. a sweat gland
    • 官選の局長
    • a bureau head appointed by the government
  1. 官選弁護人国選弁護人
  1. a trunk [main] line
    • 東海道[東北]新幹線
    • the New Tokaido [Tohoku] Line/the Tokaido [Tohoku] 「Bullet Train [Shinkansen]
  1. 幹線道路a highway; a trunk road; an arterial road [highway]
  1. I〔空気や水による〕infection;〔接触による〕contagion

    感染する 〔病気が人に〕infect;〔人が病気に〕catch, contract

    • コレラの二次感染
    • secondary infection of cholera
    • 赤痢に感染した
    • He contracted dysentery.
    • 流感は非常に感染しやすい
    • Influenza is catching [highly contagious].
    • この病気は接触によって感染する
    • This disease 「is contagious [spreads by contagion].
  1. II〔影響を受けること〕
    • 危険思想に感染する
    • be influenced by dangerous ideas
    • 彼の明るさがグループ全員に感染した
    • His cheerfulness infected all the other members of the group.
  1. 感染経路「the route [a channel] of infection
  1. 感染源the source of infection
  1. 感染症「a contagious [an infectious/a communicable] disease
    • 感染症のために多くの命が失われた
    • Many people have died of infectious diseases.
    • テレビでラグビーを観戦するのが好きだ
    • I like watching rugby games on TV.
  1. warships and other vessels;〔海軍〕naval vessels;〔総称〕a fleet
    • 艦船5隻が損害を受けた
    • Five vessels were damaged.
  1. 〔医学用語〕psoriasis;・scaly tetter

