1. spirit; vigor,《英》 vigour
    • 〔人が主語〕気勢が上がる[上がらない]
    • be 「in high [in low/out of] spirits
    • 彼に非難されて気勢がそがれた
    • His reproof 「discouraged us [dampened our spirits].
    • 彼が加わってからチーム全体の気勢が上がった
    • Since he joined the team, our 「spirits have [morale has] risen.
    • 奇声を発する
    • raise [give] a weird cry/speak [cry/scream] in a funny voice

    既成の established;〔現存の〕existing

    • 既成の学説
    • an accepted theory
    • 既成作家
    • an established writer/a writer of established standing
    • 既成の政党
    • existing political parties
    • 既成の権力機構に反対する学生たち
    • students opposing the Establishment
  1. 既成概念a preconceived idea;〔紋切り型の〕a stereotype
    • 既成概念を捨てる
    • get rid of one's stereotypes
  1. 既成事実an accomplished fact;〔法律用語〕a fait accompli [fεtakpli]

    既製の ready-made

  1. 既製品a ready-made article
  1. 既製服ready-made [ready-to-wear] clothes;《英》 off-the-peg clothes
  1. 既製服店a ready-made [ready-to-wear] clothes shop

    帰省する return to one's family home

    • 彼は休暇で帰省中です
    • He is home for the vacation.
    • 帰省列車[バス]
    • a train [bus] for people going home for the holidays
  1. 帰省ラッシュtransportation snarls caused by people making family visits during the holidays
  1. I〔生物の寄生〕parasitism

    寄生の parasitic(al)

    寄生する be parasitic ((on))

  1. II〔人に頼って暮らすこと〕
    • 彼は姉に寄生している
    • He lives [《口》 sponges] off his sister.
  1. 寄生火山a parasite volcano
  1. 寄生生物a parasite
  1. 寄生虫寄生虫
  1. 寄生動物[植物]a parasitic animal [plant]

    規正する 〔調整する〕adjust;〔正す〕correct; rectify

    • 乱れた風紀を規正する
    • improve (loose) public morals
  1. (a) regulation

    規制する regulate;〔統制する〕control

    • 交通規制
    • regulation of traffic
    • 排ガス規制
    • exhaust controls
    • ストは法で規制されている
    • Strikes are regulated by law.
  1. 規制解除[撤廃]deregulation ((of the financial industry));・repeal of regulations
  1. 規制緩和easing [a relaxation of] regulations
  1. a go [shogi] master

