1. 〔刑事上の〕prosecution, indictment

    起訴する indict ((a person for murder));charge ((a person with murder));file formal charges ((against a person for murder))

    • 彼は収賄で起訴された
    • He wasprosecuted for [indicted for/charged with] taking bribes.
    • 検察官はパイロットの起訴を見送った
    • The public prosecutor decided not to press charges against the pilot.
    • 大陪審は株式ブローカーを起訴した
    • The grand jury returned an indictment against the stock broker.
  1. 起訴状an indictment
    • 起訴猶予にする
    • shelve an indictment/decide not to prosecute [bring charges]/《口》 drop the case
    • 彼は起訴猶予になった
    • His indictment was shelved./The charges against him were dropped.
  1. I〔建築物の土台〕the foundation
    • 建物の基礎を築く
    • lay thefoundation of [groundwork for] a building
    • この建物の基礎はしっかりしている
    • This building has a solid foundation.
  1. II〔根底となるもの〕a basis ((複 bases));a foundation; the groundwork

    基礎的,基礎の fundamental; basic

    • 英語を基礎からやり直すつもりです
    • I am going to study English again from the beginning.
    • 数学の基礎がしっかりできている
    • He has mastered the fundamentals of mathematics.
    • アンケートを基礎として新しい計画をたてた
    • We developed our new plan on the basis of the questionnaire.
    • その理論は最近の実験の結果を基礎としている
    • The theory is based on the results of recent experiments.
    • その事件は我が社を基礎から揺るがすおそれがある
    • The incident threatens to shake our company from its foundations.
    • 彼の音楽家としての基礎はヨーロッパ留学中に築かれた
    • He laid the groundwork [foundation] for his career as a musician during his stay in Europe.
    • 作品の基礎となっているのは作者の人間愛である
    • What underlies these works is the author's love of humanity.
    • 基礎英語講座
    • elementary lessons in English
    • 彼は化学の基礎知識がある
    • He has had a good grounding in chemistry.
    • 物理学の基礎的原理
    • the fundamental [basic] principles of physics
  1. 基礎学科primary subjects of study
  1. 基礎工事foundation work
  1. 基礎控除a [one's] basic deduction ((from taxable income))
  1. 基礎産業a key [basic] industry
  1. 基礎体温basal body temperature ((略 BBT))
  1. 基礎代謝basal metabolism
  1. 基礎年金a basic pension

