1. an old edition;〔雑誌〕a back number
    • 建物は旧観を取り戻した
    • The building was restored to its former appearance.
    • この辺もすっかり近代化されて少しも旧観をとどめていない
    • This neighborhood has been modernized beyond [past] all recognition.

    休刊する suspend publication

    • 来週号は休刊いたします
    • No issue next week.
    • この雑誌は休刊中である
    • This magazine has suspended publication.
  1. 休刊日a newspaper holiday
  1. 休閑地〔休耕地〕fallow land [ground], land lying fallow;〔利用されていない土地〕idle land

    休館する close ((a theater, a library))

    • 美術館は月曜日に休館する
    • The art museum is closed on Mondays.
    • 本日休館
    • Closed Today
    • 図書館の休館日
    • a day (on which) the library is closed
  1. an emergency case
    • あの病院は日曜でも急患を受け付けている
    • Emergency cases are admitted to that hospital even on Sunday.
    • 先生は急患で出ています
    • The doctor is out on an emergency call.

