1. 1〔細工職人〕an artisan; a craftsman
  1. 2〔中国の労働者〕a workman
  1. 〔社会人〕a public person [figure];〔公職にある人〕a government official,《米》 an officeholder
    • 茶会にご出席いただければ幸甚に存じます
    • It would give us great pleasure if you could attend [be at] the tea party.
    • 折り返しお返事くだされば幸甚に存じます
    • If you could send us a reply by return mail, we would [should] be much obliged./We would [should] greatly appreciate an immediate reply to this letter.
  1. 〔予備隊〕reserves, reserve troops [forces], troops held in reserve;〔後衛〕a rear guard
  1. 〔土ぼこり〕dust stirred up by those in front
  1. 後塵を拝する〔先を越される〕be outdone by ((a person))/〔地位・権力のある人のあとについて行く〕play second fiddle to ((a person))
  1. I〔土ぼこり〕a cloud of dust
  1. II〔俗塵〕the mundane world
    • 紅塵にまみれる
    • be covered with dust
    • 彼は紅塵を離れて一人で暮らした
    • He led a secluded life away from the din and bustle of the world.
  1. I〔黄色の土けむり〕
    • 春の強風が吹き,黄塵万丈のちまたとなった
    • A strong spring wind blew clouds of dust over the town.
  1. IIこうじん(紅塵)II

