1. communication with the dead; spiritualism

    交霊する call up a spirit; contact a spirit; communicate with the dead

  1. 交霊会a seance [séiɑːns]
  1. 交霊術spiritualism
  1. an established custom

    恒例の 〔しきたりの〕customary;〔例年の〕annual

    • 恒例の夏祭が始まった
    • The annual summer festival has begun.
    • 恒例により市長のあいさつがあった
    • According to custom, the mayor gave an address.
    • インカの人々は高冷の地に都市を築いた
    • The Incas built cities high in the mountains where it was cool.
  1. (an) advanced age

    高齢の old; aged

    • 彼は高齢だ
    • He is advanced in age./He is very old.
    • 彼は98歳の高齢まで生きた
    • He lived to the ripe old age of ninety-eight.
  1. 高齢化aging
    • 高齢化社会
    • an aging society
    • 日本の労働人口は急速に高齢化しつつある
    • Japan's work force is rapidly aging [getting older].
  1. 高齢者a person of advanced age;〔総称〕the aged
    • 後期高齢者医療(制度)
    • a medical insurance (system [program]) for people aged 75 or older(▼2008年4月より)
  1. 高齢者介護nursing care for the elderly
  1. 高齢者差別ageism, agism; age discrimination
  1. 高齢者パワーgray power
  1. 高齢出産late child-bearing
  1. 高齢ドライバーan elderly driver

