1. the policy of aiding and supporting the Shogunate (in the late Edo period)
  1. 佐幕派the supporters of the Shogunate
  1. a desert

    砂漠の desert

  1. 砂漠化desertification
  2. 砂漠化砂漠化する turn into (a) desert
  1. 砂漠化防止条約the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
  1. 砂漠緑化greening of a desert
    • この国では砂漠緑化が進められた
    • This country is working to reforest desert areas./This country is promoting theafforestation of [planting of trees in] desert areas.
  1. 1〔物事をうまく扱う〕deal with; handle; manage
    • 彼女は仕事をてきぱきとさばいている
    • She manages [deals with/handles] business very efficiently.
    • 彼は滞った仕事を巧みにさばいた
    • He skillfully [smoothly] disposed of the accumulated work.
    • 混乱をうまくさばいた
    • He cleared up the confusion smoothly.
    • 手綱を巧みにさばいた
    • He handled the reins very deftly [dexterously].
  1. 2〔売る〕sell
    • 在庫品をさばく
    • sell [find a market for] the goods in stock
  1. 3〔解きほぐす〕
    • 難問をさばく
    • solve difficult problems
  1. judge; sit in judgment ((on));decide ((on))
    • 事件を公平に裁く
    • pass a fair verdict [judgment] on a case/judge [decide] a case impartially
    • けんかを裁く
    • settle a quarrel
    • 天が彼の罪を裁いた
    • Heaven punished him for his crime.

