1. 1〔郊外〕outskirts, suburbs;〔田舎〕the country
    • 彼の家は大阪の在にある
    • His home is on the outskirts of Osaka.
    • 彼は在の出だ
    • He is from the country.
  1. 2〔存在〕
    • 彼の在不在を確かめてください
    • Please find out whether he is here or not.
  1. I
  1. 1〔木材〕wood; timber,《米》 lumber
    • この家は輸入材で建ててある
    • This house is built with imported timber.
  1. 2〔材料〕material; stuff
  1. II〔人材〕
    • 彼は有為の材だ
    • He is a man of ability [talent]./He is an able man.
    • 財をなす
    • make a fortune

