• 病人の顔にはすでに死相が現れていた
    • The patient already looked like a dead man [woman]./《文》 The shadow of death was already on the sick man's [woman's] face.
  1. principle
    • 志操高潔な人
    • a man of high principle and firm will
    • 志操堅固である
    • be faithful to one's principles
  1. 〔観念〕an idea;〔考え〕a thought, an ideology;〔総称〕thought, ideas
    • 近代西欧思想
    • modern Western thought
    • 新旧思想の衝突
    • a conflict between [of] new and old ideas
    • 過激[危険]な思想
    • radical [dangerous] ideas [convictions]
    • 思想を取り締まる
    • maintain strict thought control/exert strict control [censorship] over ideas
    • 思想を弾圧する
    • suppress ideas
    • 彼は思想が健全だ
    • He has sound ideas./His thinking is quite sound.
  1. 思想運動a movement involving [based on] ideas [an ideology]
  1. 思想家a thinker
  1. 思想界the realm of ideas; the world of thought
  1. 思想警察(the) thought police
  1. 思想劇a play dealing with ideas; a play dealing with social [political; philosophical] issues
  1. 思想史the history of ideas [thoughts]
  1. 思想調査thought investigation [inquiry]
  1. 思想統制thought control; censorship of ideas
  1. 思想犯an ideological offense; the crime of espousing dangerous ideas;〔人〕a person guilty of espousing dangerous ideas, an ideological offender;〔政治的な〕a political crime [offense];〔人〕a political offender
  1. 思想問題a problem involving ideological issues
    • 詩想に満ちた作品
    • a work full of poetical imagination
    • 詩想がわいてきた
    • Poetic sentiment [A poetic urge] has begun to stir in me.

