1. supreme bliss
    • 至福の時を過ごす
    • experience [achieve] supreme bliss
  1. 〔制服に対して〕plain clothes;〔軍服に対して〕civilian clothes

    私服で in 「civilian dress [plain clothes];〔軍人が〕 《口》 in civvies, in mufti

    • 私服巡査
    • a plainclothes police officer
    • 私服刑事
    • a plainclothes detective
    • うちの高校は私服だ
    • We don't wear uniforms at our high school.
    • 公金を横領して私腹を肥やした
    • He lined his own pockets by misappropriating public funds.
  1. 1〔紙の幅〕paper width
  1. 2〔原稿などの枚数〕the (allotted) number of pages
    • 紙幅の関係で詳細に述べることはできない
    • I cannot go into detail because of limited space.

    雌伏する bide one's time

    • 雌伏5年,ついに社長の椅子を手に入れた
    • After five years of patient endurance, he finally became the president of the company.

