1. 1〔大陸〕a continent
  1. 2〔米国の行政区画〕a state;〔カナダの〕a province;〔英国の〕a county;〔オーストラリアの〕a state
    • ミシガン州
    • the State of Michigan
    • ヨーク州
    • Yorkshire
    • ハワイは1959年に州になった
    • Hawaii 「became a state [《文》 attained statehood] in 1959.
    • 捜査は州全域にわたった
    • They made a statewide search.
  1. 州議会〔米国の〕a state legislature;〔英国の〕a county council
  1. 州議会議員〔米国の〕a state legislator;〔英国の〕a member of a county council
  1. 州政府a state government
  1. a sect
    • 真言宗
    • the Shingon Sect (of Buddhism)
  1. a week
    • 今[来/先]週
    • this [next/last] week
    • 2週間
    • two weeks/《英》 a fortnight
    • 幾週も
    • for weeks
    • 私たちは週40時間労働である
    • We are on a forty-hour week [workweek].
    • (学校の)週5日制
    • a five-day school week
    • 週2[3]回そこへ行く
    • I go there twice [three times] a week.
    • 週ぎめで払う
    • pay by the week
    • 1,・2週あとの日曜にまたやって来た
    • He came again one or two Sundays later.
    • 先週の今日
    • a week ago today
    • 来週の今日来てください
    • Please come 「a week from today [《英》 a week today].
    • 5月の第3週に
    • in the third week of May
  1. 1〔多数〕a great number, great numbers;〔民衆〕the people
    • 彼らは衆を頼んで主張を曲げなかった
    • Relying on their great numbers, they 「refused to give up [stuck to their claim].
    • 彼は衆に先んじて新しい思想を取り入れた
    • He was the first to adopt new ideas.
  1. 2〔仲間〕
    • 皆の衆,よく聞け
    • Listen to me, all of you.
    • 村の若い衆
    • the young people in the village

