1. a command;〔人〕a commander, a commandant
    • 明朝攻撃開始の司令が出ている
    • 「We have orders [The orders are] to begin an attack tomorrow morning.
  1. 司令官a commander; a commanding officer
  1. 司令船〔宇宙船の〕the command service module
  1. 司令長官a commander in chief
  1. 司令塔〔サッカーの〕a playmaker
  1. 司令部(a) headquarters ((略 HQ))
    • 総司令部
    • (the) General Headquarters ((略 GHQ))
  1. an order

    指令する 〔命令する〕order;〔指図する〕instruct ((a person to do));give instructions

    • 会社の指令で動く
    • act according to orders from the company
  1. 指令書written instructions [orders]

