1. independence; autonomy

    自主的 〔自立的〕independent;〔自発的〕voluntary

    自主的に independently; voluntarily

    • 自主独立の精神がある[ない]
    • have [lack] an independent spirit
  1. 自主運用〔年金の〕in-house management; operating [managing] ((a pension plan)) oneself
  1. 自主規制self-imposed restraint [controls]
    • 輸出を自主規制する
    • control [curb] exports voluntarily
  1. 自主権autonomy;〔地方公共団体の〕 ⇒じち(自治)
    • 関税自主権
    • tariff [customs] autonomy
  1. 自主減産self-imposed production cuts
  1. 自主性independence
    • 自主性がある
    • be independent
  1. 自主トレーニングvoluntary [independent] training
  1. 自主防衛(an) autonomous [a self-reliant] national defense
  1. 自主流通米rice not subject to government price controls

    自首する 「surrender (oneself) [give oneself up, turn oneself in] to the police

    • 犯人に自首を呼び掛ける
    • appeal to a criminal to turn himself in (to the police)

