1. 1〔人の数〕(a) population
    • 労働人口
    • the working population
    • 過剰人口
    • surplus population
    • 失業人口
    • the jobless [unemployed] population
    • 東京は約1,300万の人口を有する
    • Tokyo has a population of about 13,000,000.
    • 人口18万の都市
    • a city of 180,000 people
    • 人口の減少[増加]
    • 「a decrease [an increase] in population
    • 急激な人口の増加
    • a population explosion
    • 日本のゴルフ人口はどれぐらいだろう
    • How many Japanese play golf?
  1. 2〔人の口〕
    • 人口に膾炙かいしゃした表現
    • a commonplace expression/a cliche
  1. 人口過剰overpopulation
    • 人口過剰地帯
    • an overpopulated area
  1. 人口構成population composition; the makeup of the population; demographic structure
  1. 人口政策(a) population [demographic] policy
    • 中国では厳しい人口政策が行われた
    • China implemented a strict population policy.
  1. 人口静態static trends in (a) population
    • 人口静態統計
    • static population statistics
    • 人口調査をする
    • take a census
  1. 人口統計population statistics; demographics
  1. 人口動態dynamic trends in (a) population
  1. 人口密度population density
    • 人口密度の高い[低い]地域
    • a densely [sparsely] populated area
  1. 人口問題the population problem
  1. 人口抑制population control

    人工の artificial;〔人造の〕man-made

    人工的に artificially

    • 人工の美
    • the beauty of human artman-made beauty
  1. 人工遺伝子an artificial gene
  1. 人工衛星「a man-made [an artificial] satellite
  1. 人工栄養〔乳児の〕bottle-feeding
    • 人工栄養児
    • a bottle-fed child
  1. 人工甘味料artificial sweetener [sweetening]
  1. 人工血液artificial blood
  1. 人工血管an artificial blood vessel
  1. 人工(言)語an artificial language
  1. 人工降雨rainmaking
  1. 人工呼吸artificial respiration;〔口からの〕mouth-to-mouth respiration
    • 人工呼吸を施す
    • give a person artificial respiration/try mouth-to-mouth respiration [resuscitation] ((on a person))
    • 人工呼吸器
    • a respirator
  1. 人工子宮an artificial womb
  1. 人工地震a man-made earthquake
  1. 人工芝artificial turf
  1. 人工授精artificial insemination
    • 配偶者間人工授精
    • artificial insemination by husband ((略 AIH))
    • 非配偶者間人工授精
    • artificial insemination by donor ((略 AID))
  1. 人工授粉artificial pollination
  1. 人工植毛a hair transplant
  1. 人工真珠an imitation pearl
  1. 人工心臓a mechanical heart
  1. 人工心肺a heart-lung machine
  1. 人工頭脳a mechanical brain
    • 人工頭脳学
    • cybernetics
  1. 人工生命artificial life
  1. 人工臓器an artificial internal organ
  1. 人工太陽an artificial sun
  1. 人工知能artificial intelligence ((略 AI))
  1. 人工(妊娠)中絶(an) abortion
    • 人工妊娠中絶法
    • the Abortion Law
  1. 人工透析dialysis
  1. 人工培養artificial culture
  1. 人工光合成artificial photosynthesis
  1. 人工皮膚artificial skin
    • 人工皮膚を移植する
    • graft artificial skin ((onto))
  1. 人工孵化法artificial incubation
  1. 〔香〕aloes [ǽlouz], agalloch [əɡǽlək, ǽɡəlὰk|əɡǽlək]

