1. ⇒「軍隊階級表」
  1. 〔骨子〕the gist, the general idea, the drift;〔趣旨,意図〕the general meaning,《文》 the purport;〔概略〕an outline, a summary,《文》 the import;〔要旨〕the substance;〔論文などの要旨〕an abstract
    • 田中博士の講演の大意
    • the gist of Dr. Tanaka's lecture
    • この章の大意を簡潔に述べなさい
    • Make a brief summary of this chapter.
    • 彼の話の大意はつかんだ
    • I got the drift of what he said.
  1. 1〔体格〕physique
    • 若者の体位がぐんと向上した
    • The physique [physical build] of the younger generation has improved remarkably.
  1. 2しせい(姿勢)I
  1. abdication
    • 皇帝は退位した
    • The emperor abdicated [gave up] the throne.

