1. the general situation
    • そうなったところで大局に変化はあるまい
    • It will not make any difference in the general situation.
    • 彼は大局を正しくつかんでいる
    • His grasp [view] of the whole situation is correct.
    • 彼の論は大局を見誤っている
    • His argument misses the point.
    • 大局的には[大局的に見れば]うまくいっている
    • 「On the whole [Generally speaking,] things are going well.
    • 大局的見地から彼は相手方に譲歩した
    • Taking a broader view of the matter, he yielded to the opposition.
  1. a game of go [shogi, chess]

    対局する play go [chess]

    • 彼は明日名人と対局する
    • He has a match with the champion tomorrow.
    • 対極にある
    • be poles apart/be completely opposite/be in a diametrically opposite position [situation] ((to))

