1. confrontation in court
    • 明日は原告と被告の対審が行われる
    • Tomorrow 「the accused and his accuser [the plaintiff and the defendant] will confront each other in court.
  1. 対震自動消火装置an automatic device that turns off a stove in case of an earthquake
    • 耐震性のある
    • be 「resistant to [able to withstand] earthquakes
    • 先日家の耐震診断をしてもらった
    • The other day I had earthquake resistance testing done on my house.
    • ビルの耐震補強をする
    • retrofit a building to withstand an earthquake
    • 校舎の耐震補強が行われた
    • The schoolhouse went through seismic retrofitting.
  1. 耐震家屋an earthquake-resistant building
  1. 耐震基準earthquake-proofing standards
  1. 耐震偽装falsification of earthquake-resistance data
    • このマンションは耐震偽装されていた
    • The earthquake-resistance data for this apartment building was fabricated.
  1. 耐震工学seismic technology
  1. 耐震構造earthquake-resistant construction; an earthquake-resistant building [structure]
    • 耐火耐震構造のビル
    • a building built to withstand fires and earthquakes

