1. 〔徳の高い人〕an upright person, a person of virtue;〔度量のある人〕a magnanimous person
    • 彼には大人の風貌ふうぼうがある
    • There is 「an air [a look] of magnanimity about him./He looks every inch a gentleman.
    • 対人関係を気にする
    • be sensitive [anxious] about personal relations
    • 彼は対人関係がうまくいっていない
    • His personal relationships are not going well.
  1. 対人恐怖症anthropophobia
  1. 対人地雷an antipersonnel (land)mine
  1. 対人地雷全面禁止条約the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction(▼1999年発効)
  1. 対人(賠償)保険〔自動車の〕bodily injury liability insurance
    • 両軍は川を挟んで対陣した
    • The two armies faced [confronted] each other across the river.
  1. I〔退却〕
    • 我が軍は退陣を余儀なくされた
    • Our army had to retreat.
  1. II〔辞職〕resignation

    退陣する resign

    • 彼らは首相の退陣を迫った
    • They demanded the resignation of the Prime Minister.

