1. the winter solstice
  1. 冬至線the Tropic of Capricorn
  1. 当事国the countries directly concerned [involved]
  1. 当事者the parties concerned
    • 彼は事件の当事者だ
    • He is directly 「involved in [concerned with] the affair.
  1. 当事者主義the adversary-accusatorial system
  1. 当事者能力the admissibility of a party to legal proceedings
    • 彼にはその損害賠償の訴訟については当事者能力がない
    • He cannot be a party to the damage suit.
    • 当時を思い出す
    • recall those days
    • 当時私はまだ子供だった
    • I was only a child then [at the time].
    • 当時は車を持っている人は少なかった
    • Few people owned cars in those days.
    • 当時としては彼の意見は進歩的だった
    • His ideas were quite progressive for that day and age.
    • 当時の大統領
    • the then President
  1. a (chief) brewer ((of sake))
    • 温泉に湯治に行く
    • go to a hot-spring resort to recover one's health/go to a spa for a hot-spring cure
  1. 湯治客a visitor to a hot-spring resort
  1. 湯治場hot springs; a hot-spring resort
  1. 湯治療養a hot-spring cure
    • 卒業生を代表して彼は卒業式で答辞を述べた
    • Representing the graduates, he 「made an address in reply to the principal's address at graduation [《米》 delivered the valedictory at commencement].
  1. a debauchee; a libertine; a rake

