1. 1〔適否〕propriety ((of))
    • その手段の当否はさておくとして
    • setting aside the question of the propriety of the measure
    • 題材の当否が絵に大きく響く
    • The fitness of the subject has a great effect on a painting.
  1. 2〔是非〕
    • この説の当否は簡単に決められない
    • We cannot decide readily whether the theory is right or wrong.
  1. (an) escape; (a) flight

    逃避する escape ((from));flee ((from))

    • 俗世界からの逃避
    • an escape [a flight] from the secular world
    • 彼は都会生活から逃避したかった
    • He wanted to 「escape from [get away from] city life.
  1. 逃避行an escape journey;〔駆け落ち〕an elopement
  1. 逃避主義escapism
  1. 逃避文学escapist literature
  1. a spruce
  1. 〔数の〕(an) equal ratio

    等比で in equal ratio

  1. 等比級数[数列]a geometric series [progression]

