1. I〔水面の起伏〕a wave
    • 大波
    • a billow
    • さざ波
    • a ripple
    • 荒波
    • wild waves/a rough sea
    • 打ち寄せる波
    • surf
    • 砕ける(白)波
    • a breaker
    • 波が荒い[高い]
    • The waves are high./The sea is rough.
    • 波が静まった
    • The waves have subsided./The sea has calmed down.
    • オールが1本波にさらわれた
    • One of the oars was washed away by the waves.
    • ボートは波にのまれた
    • The boat was swallowed up by [in] the waves.
    • 船は波を切って進んだ
    • The ship plowed [ploughed] through the waves.
    • 丸太が波の間に間に漂っている
    • A log is drifting on the waves./A log is being carried this way and that by the waves.
    • 波がひたひたと打ち寄せていた
    • The waves were lapping the shore.
    • 波の花
    • 〔白く砕ける波〕 《米》 whitecaps/《英》 white horses/〔塩〕salt
    • 波の穂
    • the crest of a wave
  1. II
  1. 1〔波のように揺れ動く・押し寄せるもの〕
    • 博覧会場は人の波に埋まった
    • The exposition grounds were 「crowded with people [jammed with a crowd of people].
    • 見渡す限り旗の波だった
    • There were flags and more flags for as far as I could see.
    • 時勢の波には勝てなかった
    • He had to submit to the tide [current] of the times.
    • 怒りが突然波のように襲ってきた
    • He felt a sudden surge of anger.
  1. 2〔むら〕
    • 彼の気分には波がある
    • He is a capricious [moody] man.
    • 彼の作品には波がある
    • His works are 「of uneven [inconsistent in/not uniform in] quality.
    • 景気の波
    • business fluctuations
  1. 3〔しわ〕
    • ひたいの波
    • wrinkles [lines] on one's forehead
    • 彼の会社は今景気の波に乗っている
    • His company is now ridingthe crest of [a wave of] prosperity.
    • 投手は好調の波に乗って完投した
    • The pitcher, buoyed by his own excellent condition, went the distance.
  1. 波線a wavy line
  1. 波乗り波乗り
  1. 1〔平均〕average;〔中ぐらい〕medium

    並みの 〔ふつうの〕ordinary;〔平均の〕average;〔中ぐらいの〕medium;〔つまらない〕mediocre

    • 並みの人間
    • an ordinary [average] person
    • 並みの品
    • a common article
    • 彼の記憶力は並み以上だ
    • He has a better-than-average memory.
    • 並みの大きさの卵
    • a medium-sized egg
    • 並み一通りの苦労ではなかった
    • I took great pains with it.
  1. 2〔上中下の下〕
    • すしの並み
    • regular sushi
    • 並みの豚肉
    • regular(-grade) pork
    • 並み型の家具
    • standard furniture
    • 並みサイズのスカート[車]
    • a medium-sized skirt [car]
  1. 並み製並み製の common; ordinary
    • 並み製の万年筆
    • a fountain pen of common [ordinary] make
    • 並み幅の布
    • cloth 36 centimeters wide
  1. 1〔めいめい〕
    • 軒並みに旗が出ている
    • Each house has a flag flying.
  1. 2〔並んだもの〕
  1. 3〔同程度〕
    • 人並みの知恵
    • ((be of)) average intelligence
    • 十人並みの顔
    • a passable face
    • 世間並みの生活
    • the usual standard of living
    • 月並みの表現
    • a commonplace [trite] expression/a banality
    • 家族並みに扱われた
    • I was treated as if I were a member of the family.
    • その国の国民総生産は先進国並みになった
    • The GNP of that country has reached the same level as that of advanced countries.

