1. 1〔信用しないこと〕distrust
    • 若者の政治不信は年々増している
    • Young people's distrust of politics is increasing year by year./Young people have less and less faith in politics every year.
    • 彼の行為は皆の不信を買っている
    • His action 「incurs people's distrust [causes everyone to distrust him].
    • 彼は皆から不信の目で見られている
    • He is not trusted by anybody./Everybody distrusts him.
  1. 2〔不誠実〕insincerity;〔不忠実〕faithlessness
    • 不信行為
    • a faithless deed
  1. 3ふしんじん(不信心)
  1. 〔商売などの不活発〕dullness;〔不況〕(a) depression;〔不調〕a slump
    • 事業の不振で父は失職した
    • A slump in business caused my father to lose his job.
    • 事業は不振だ
    • Business is slack [slow].
    • そのチームの投手陣は昨シーズンは不振だった
    • The team's pitchers 「made a very poor showing [did very poorly] last season.
    • 食欲が全く不振だ
    • I've completely lost my appetite.
  1. 〔疑惑〕doubt;〔嫌疑〕suspicion ((about))
    • 不審な人物
    • a dubious [suspicious] character
    • 顔を出さないと不審に思われるよ
    • 「People will be suspicious [It will look strange] if you don't come.(▼suspiciousは疑われる,look strangeはおかしいと思われる)
    • 二人の供述が一致しないのが不審だ
    • The discrepancy between the two men's statements arouses our suspicion.
    • 不審な点があったら遠慮なく質問してください
    • If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
    • 子供心にも母が泣いているのが不審だった
    • Though I was only a child, I wondered why my mother was weeping.
  1. 不審者a suspicious person [character]
    • 警官が駅周辺で不審者に目を光らせている
    • The police are keeping a watchful eye out for suspicious characters in the area around the station.
    • 刑事に止められ不審尋問された
    • I was stopped and questioned by a police detective.
  1. 不審火a suspected case of arson; a suspicious fire
  1. 1〔建築〕building;〔規模の大きい〕construction

    普請する build; construct

    • 普請中の家
    • a house under construction
    • 安普請の家
    • a 「cheaply built [jerry-built] house
    • 家を普請する
    • build oneself a house/have one's house built
  1. 2〔工事〕
    • 道普請
    • road construction
    • 息子の教育に腐心している
    • He is takinggreat pains [a great deal of trouble] over his son's education.

