1. a sentry;《文》 a sentinel
    • 歩哨を置く
    • post a sentry
    • 歩哨に立つ
    • stand sentry/be on sentry duty
  1. 1〔品質などの〕a guarantee, a warranty;〔主として担保〕(a) security

    保証する guarantee ((that; a thing to do));warrant ((that))

    • 3年間の保証つき製品
    • an article with a three-year guarantee [warranty]/an article guaranteed for three years
    • それは純毛だと保証できます
    • I can guarantee [warrant] that it is pure wool./It is warranted (to be) pure wool.
    • 借金の保証として家を担保に入れる
    • borrow money with one's house as security [collateral]/mortgage one's house to borrow money
  1. 2〔確かだと請け合うこと〕a guarantee

    保証する guarantee; assure

    • 頭がいいからと言って出世するという保証はない
    • Intelligence 「is no guarantee of [does not guarantee] success in life.
    • 彼には社長の地位が保証されている
    • The presidency is guaranteed to him.
    • 息子さんはきっと帰ってくる.保証します
    • Your son is sure to come back. Depend on it.
    • 彼がまじめなことは私が保証します
    • 「I will vouch for [I assure you of] his earnestness.
  1. 保証期間a warranty [guarantee] period; a period [term] of warranty
    • 保証期間内に故障した
    • It broke within the warranty period.
    • 保証期間が切れている
    • It is out of warranty.
  1. 保証金保証金
  1. 保証小切手a certified check
  1. 保証書a (letter of) guarantee;〔人物・技量などの〕a reference;〔商売の〕a warranty
  1. 保証責任the responsibility [liability] of a surety
  1. 保証人保証人
  1. security
    • 自由の保障
    • the securing of liberty
    • 平和を保障する
    • secure peace
    • 航路の安全を保障する
    • secure the safety of the sea lanes
  1. 安全保障条約a security pact
    • 日米相互協力及び安全保障条約
    • the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between Japan and the United States of America
  1. 安全保障理事会〔国連の〕the Security Council
  1. ((pay)) compensation;《文》 indemnification ((for))

    補償する compensate ((a person for damages));《文》 indemnify ((a person for injuries))

    • 国は原告の訴訟費用を補償すべきである
    • The state should compensate [make compensation to] the plaintiff for his court costs.
    • 作業中のけがに対し,会社に補償を請求した
    • He demanded compensation from the firm for the injury he received at work.
  1. 補償作用〔生物の〕compensation
  1. 補償金補償金

