1. 《米》 a sidewalk;《英》 a pavement
  1. 歩道橋《米》 a pedestrian overpass [《英》 bridge]
  1. guidance

    補導する guide; direct

    • 青少年の補導
    • the protection and guidance of young people
    • 職業補導
    • vocational guidance
    • 青少年の補導にあたっている
    • His job is to 「keep young people out of trouble [see that teenagers don't get in trouble] with the law.
    • 少年らは警察に補導された
    • The boys were taken into protective custody by the police.
  1. a paved road;〔舗装された歩道〕 《米》 a sidewalk,《英》 a pavement

