1. protection against the tide
  1. 防潮水門a tide gate
  1. 防潮堤a tide embankment; a seawall
  1. prevention of espionage [éspiənὰːʒ]; counterespionage
  1. 防諜機関an anti-espionage organization
    • その裁判を傍聴した
    • I was in the courtroom to listen to the proceedings.
    • 国会を傍聴した
    • We attended a session of the Diet.
    • 委員会を傍聴してもいいですか
    • May I sit in on the committee meeting?
    • 聴聞会は傍聴禁止で行われた
    • The hearing was held behind closed doors.
    • その会議は自由に傍聴できる[できない]
    • The meeting is open [closed] to the public.
  1. 傍聴券an admission ticket
  1. 傍聴席seats for the public;〔議会・法廷の〕the gallery, seats for observers
  1. 傍聴人an observer;〔総称〕the audience, the public
  1. 1〔膨らむこと〕(a) swelling, (a) swell, expanding

    膨張する[させる] swell; expand

    • ガスが熱で膨張した
    • The gas expanded with heat.
    • 膨張した腹部
    • a distended abdomen
  1. 2〔発展して大きくなること〕
    • 予算の膨張
    • an increase in the budget
    • 膨張した予算
    • 「an inflated [a bloated] budget
    • 通貨の膨張
    • inflation (of a currency)
    • 軍事費が膨張して莫大ばくだいな額になった
    • Military expenditure has swollen to a vast sum.
    • 新興国では都市が急速に膨張しつつある
    • Cities are growing [expanding] rapidly in developing countries.
  1. 膨張係数an expansion coefficient; expansion ratio
  1. 膨張率the rate of expansion

