1. 1〔言葉遣い〕wording; usage; diction
  1. 2〔専門分野の語〕a (technical) term;〔総称〕terminology
    • 科学用語
    • scientific terms
  1. 用語集a glossary
  1. 用語法terminology; nomenclature
  1. care; nursing
  1. 養護学級[学校]a class [school] for disabled children
  1. 養護教諭a teacher in charge of health education at schools for the handicapped
  1. 養護施設an institution for homeless or maltreated children
  1. 養護老人ホームa nursing home for the aged
  1. 〔保護〕protection;〔援助,支持〕support
    • 憲法を擁護する
    • support the Constitution

