1. 1〔身分の卑しい人〕a clod, a low class person;〔総称〕rabble, the lower orders
  1. 2〔根性の卑しい人〕a mean fellow;〔野卑な男〕a vulgar fellow, a cad;〔根性が卑しいこと〕meanness;〔下品〕vulgarity
    • 下種ばる
    • be vulgar [mean/boorish]
    • 下種の後知恵
    • a fool's hindsight/((諺)) Even a fool can be wise after the event.
    • 下種のかんぐり
    • petty suspicions/mean prejudices
    • 下種の逆恨み
    • (a case of) a person who not only does not appreciate the kind advice given him but hates the person who gave it

