1. 1〔法律に背くこと〕unlawfulness; illegality ⇒いほう(違法)
    • 未成年の喫煙は不法な行為です
    • For minors, smoking is an illegal [unlawful] act.
  1. 2〔不正行為〕a wrong; an injustice
    • 罪のない子を罰するのは不法だ
    • It is wrong [unjust] to punish an innocent child.
  1. 不法監禁false arrest; false imprisonment
  1. 不法行為wrongful conduct;〔法律用語〕tort
  1. 不法行為者a wrongdoer
  1. 不法就労working illegally; working without a proper work visa
  1. 不法就労者an illegal [undocumented] worker
  1. 不法所持illegal [unlawful] possession
    • 彼は銃の不法所持でつかまった
    • He was arrested for illegally carrying a gun.
  1. 不法侵入trespass; unlawful entry
  1. 不法侵入者a trespasser
  1. 不法占有illegal [unlawful] use [occupancy] of another's property
  1. 不法投棄illegal dumping
    • 会社は産業廃棄物の不法投棄で起訴された
    • The company was indicted for illegally dumping industrial waste.
  1. 不法入居者a squatter
  1. 不法入国illegal immigration
  1. 不法入国者an illegal alien

