1. 1〔国家などの〕a budget ((for))
    • 暫定[総]予算
    • a provisional [total/general] budget
    • 国の予算編成
    • the preparation [compilation] of the national budget
    • 予算の均衡を計る
    • try to balance the budget
    • 予算を編成する
    • draw up a budget
    • 予算外の支出
    • expenditure(s) not provided for in the budget
    • 予算の復活折衝
    • negotiations for the restoration of items that have been cut from the budget bill
    • 社会福祉の予算が大幅に削減された
    • The budget for social welfare was cut drastically.
  1. 2〔予定経費〕a budget;〔見積もり〕an estimate
    • パーティーに100万円の予算を立てた
    • We budgeted [set aside] a million yen for the party.
    • 外国旅行をする予算はない
    • I can't afford to travel abroad./My budget won't permit a trip abroad.
    • その計画は予算の範囲内では無理だ
    • With our budgetary limits, that plan is impossible.
    • 限られた予算で家の切り盛りをしなければならなかった
    • I had to manage the household on a limited budget.
    • 実際の支出は予算をはるかに上回った
    • The actual expenditures were far above the estimate.
    • お宅の建築の予算はどれくらいですか
    • How much are you allowing for building your house?
  1. 予算案a budget (bill)
    • 予算案を審議する
    • deliberate (on) a budget bill
  1. 予算委員a member of the budget committee
  1. 予算委員会the budget committee
  1. 予算項目a budget item
  1. 予算支出budget spending [expenditure]
  1. 予算修正amending [amendment of] the budget bill
  1. 予算調整budgetary adjustment; adjustment of the budget
  1. 予算復活折衝negotiations for restoring budget requests
  1. 予算編成compilation [drafting] of the budget

