1. 1〔余った物,残り〕the rest, the remnants;〔剰余〕the remainder
    • 彼が一番大きい部分を取り,余りを弟たちに分けた
    • He took the biggest part and divided the rest among his brothers.
    • 給料の余りで本を買った
    • He bought books with whatwas left [remained] of his pay.
    • 食事の余りは捨てた
    • The leftovers from [The remains of] the meal were thrown away.
    • 10を3で割ると商は3で余りは1である
    • When ten is divided by three, the quotient is three and the remainder is one.
  1. 2〔接尾辞として,以上〕
    • 5年余り前に
    • more than five years ago
    • 彼女の長所は欠点を補って余りある
    • Her good qualities more than 「make up for [offset] her faults.

