1. a child;〔総称〕children;〔生徒〕pupils
    • 小学校の児童
    • elementary school children
    • 就学前の児童
    • preschool children/preschoolers
    • 学齢児童
    • children of school age
    • 児童向きの読物
    • books for children
  1. 児童画juvenile pictures
  1. 児童虐待child abuse
  1. 児童劇a play [drama] put on for [by] children
  1. 児童憲章the Children's Charter
  1. 児童自立支援施設children's self-reliance support facilities; correctional facilities for juvenile delinquents
    • 先進国では児童就労は違法である
    • Employment of children is illegal in developed countries.
  1. 児童心理学child psychology
  1. 児童相談所a consultation office for children
  1. 児童手当an allowance for dependent children
    • 児童手当制度
    • the child-support allowance system
  1. 児童売春child prostitution
  1. 児童福祉child welfare
  1. 児童福祉司a juvenile welfare commissioner
  1. 児童福祉施設a juvenile welfare institution
  1. 児童福祉法the Child Welfare Law
  1. 児童文学juvenile [children's] literature
  1. 児童保護the protection [care, supervision] of children
  1. 児童ポルノchild pornography
  1. 児童養護施設a home for orphaned, neglected, and abused children

