公認する 〔正式に認定する〕recognize [approve] officially;〔正式に許可する〕authorize

    公認の officially recognized; official

    • これは世界記録としてまだ公認されていない
    • This has not yet been officially recognized as the world record.
    • 彼は労働党の候補者として公認されている
    • He [His candidacy] has the endorsement of the Labour Party./He has been officially endorsed as a candidate of the Labour Party.
  1. 公認会計士《米》 a certified public accountant ((略 CPA, C.P.A.)),《英》 a chartered accountant ((略 C.A.))
  1. 公認記録an official record
    • 未公認記録
    • an unofficial record
  1. 公認候補(者)a candidate officially endorsed by a party; an officially endorsed [ticketed] candidate; a ticketed condidate
    • 彼女は8月に行われる総選挙で民主党公認候補となっている
    • She is 「an officially ticketed candidate of the Democratic Party [running on the Democratic ticket] in the August election.
  1. 公認政治団体a [an officially] registered political organization
  1. 公認ボールa regulation ball
  1. 公認旅行社a licensed travel agency

