1. I
  1. 1〔売り掛け金などの徴収〕collection, dunning;〔強制的な〕exaction ((of))
    • 会社に社員のつけの取り立てに行った
    • He went to a company to collect a bill owed by one of its workers.
  1. 2〔新鮮〕取り立ての fresh; freshly-picked
    • このトマトは取り立てだ
    • These tomatoes are fresh from our garden.
    • 川から取り立てのあゆ
    • fresh-caught ayu [ayu fresh] from the river
  1. II〔引き立て〕patronage
    • 彼は私の父の取り立てで入社した
    • He got a job with the firm through the influence of my father.
  1. 取り立て金money (to be) collected (from a debtor)
  1. 取り立て債務a debt that must be collected at the debtor's address
  1. 取り立て状a letter demanding payment; a dunning letter
  1. 取り立て手形a bill for collection
  1. 取り立て人a bill collector

