- I〔押し付け(られ)ること〕pressure
- 胸に圧迫を感じて目が覚めた
- I woke up feeling pressure on my chest.
- ベルトが腹を圧迫して苦しい
- The belt is so tight against my stomach that it's uncomfortable.
- II〔威圧〕oppression
圧迫する 〔しいたげる〕oppress;〔重くのしかかる〕weigh heavily ((on));〔抑制する〕suppress
- 権力による圧迫
- oppression by the authorities
- 言論の自由を圧迫する
- suppress freedom of speech
- 父の存在にいつも圧迫されていた
- The existence of my father always weighed heavily on me.
- 物価高が家計を圧迫した
- The rise in commodity prices has affected family budgets.
- この社の新製品が他社の製品を圧迫し始めた
- This company's new product has begun to outsell similar products made by other companies.
- 彼のそばにいると圧迫感を受ける
- I feel oppressed [a sense of oppression] in his presence.
- 何かしなくてはという圧迫感に襲われた
- I felt pressed to do something.
- 圧迫者an oppressor
- 圧迫包帯((apply)) a tourniquet