1. sales
    • 当社の年間売り上げ(高)は3億円に達する
    • Our company's annual turnover reaches [amounts to] three hundred million yen.
    • 輸入品の売り上げがのびている
    • The sales of imported goods are 「on the increase [going up].
  1. 売上勘定sales accounts
  1. 売上金proceeds;《口》 the take
    • その日の売上金20万円を奪われた
    • We were robbed of the proceeds [take] of the day, two hundred thousand yen.
    • バザーの売上金
    • the proceeds from the bazaar
  1. 売上税a sales tax
  1. 売上高sales; sales volume
    • 平均[月]売上高
    • average [monthly] sales
    • 総[純]売上高
    • gross [net] sales [proceeds]
  1. 売上帳a sales [sold] book
  1. 売上伝票a sales slip [check]
  1. 売り上げノルマa sales quota
  1. 売上元帳a sales [customers'] ledger
    • sales

