• 当日は雨でした
    • It rained on that day.
    • 当日のことを覚えていますか
    • Do you remember the day in question?
    • 彼女は結婚式の当日に病気になった
    • She became ill on the very day of her wedding.
    • 当日面接に来ない人は失格です
    • Those who do not come for interviews on the appointed day will be disqualified.
    • 大売出しは当日限りだ
    • The special sale is limited to this [that] one day.
    • この切符の通用は当日限りです
    • This ticket is valid only for the designated day.
    • 当日売りの切符
    • a ticket sold on the day of 「the performance [departure];〔劇場窓口の掲示〕Tickets for today's performance
  1. 当日券a ticket valid only for the day of issue;《英》 a day ticket
  1. 当日受付数〔応募などの〕the number of applications received on that day

