1. 1〔選挙に〕当選する be elected
    • 彼は東京1区から代議士に当選した
    • He was elected to the Diet from Tokyo's first district.(▼再選であればHe was returned...となる)
    • 無競争で[絶対多数で/無投票で]議長に当選した
    • He was elected chair unopposed [by an absolute majority/without a vote].
    • 彼女は当選の見込みがある[ない]
    • She is in [out of] the running.
    • その候補者は当選確実である
    • The candidate 「has been projected to win [is sure of being elected].
    • 彼の当選は無効となった
    • His election was invalidated [declared void].
    • 彼は今のところ当選圏内にいる
    • He is at present within range of being elected.
  1. 2〔懸賞などで〕
    • 彼は懸賞論文の1等に当選した
    • He won (the) first prize in an essay contest.
  1. 当選議員a successful candidate for 「the Diet [an assembly]
  1. 当選者1〔選挙で〕a successful [an elected] candidate
  2. 当選者2〔懸賞などで〕a prizewinner
  1. 当選小説a prizewinning novel
  1. 当選無効invalidation [《英》 annulment] of ((a person's)) election

