1. 〔徴募〕conscription;《米》 the draft
    • 徴兵にとられる
    • be conscripted/《米》 be inducted [drafted] into the army
    • 徴兵を忌避する
    • evade military service/《米》 evade the draft
  1. 徴兵官a conscription [recruiting] officer
  1. 徴兵忌避者a draft dodger
    • 良心的徴兵忌避者
    • a conscientious objector
    • 徴兵検査を受ける
    • be given a physical examination for conscription
    • 徴兵制度を敷く
    • adopt the conscription [《米》 draft] system
    • この国では徴兵制度が行われている
    • There is military conscription in this country.
  1. 徴兵適齢conscription age;《米》 the draft age
  1. 徴兵免除exemption from conscription [military service/《米》 the draft]
    • 徴兵免除される
    • be exempted from conscription [《米》 the draft]
    • 徴兵猶予になる
    • be temporarily exempted from conscription [《米》 the draft]
  1. 徴兵令the Conscription Law;《米》 the Draft Law

