give advice to;〔諫める〕 《文》 admonish
- これは法律家の意見を求めたほうがいい
- We'd better ask [seek] 「a lawyer's advice [a lawyer for advice] on this.
- 今どき結婚について親の意見に従う若者は珍しい
- Nowadays few young people will 「listen to [follow/take] their parents' advice about marriage.
- 老教師の意見は胸にこたえた
- My old teacher's admonition struck home.
- 仕事をただちに始めるべきだという意見
- the suggestion [advice] that the work (should) be started at once
- 君の意見を聞く気はない
- I don't need [want] your advice!
- 息子に意見してその計画をやめさせてください
- Please persuade my son to give up the plan.
- あの学生たちには意見をしてもむだだ
- It's no use 「reasoning with [lecturing] those students.