- 1〔心身の安らかさ〕楽な comfortable; easy
- このいすは楽だ
- This is a comfortable chair.
- どうぞお楽になさってください
- Make yourself comfortable [at home].
- はい,楽にして
- 〔患者に対して〕Now, relax.
- 少し楽になりましたか
- Do you feel better now?
- この薬を飲んだら楽になった
- The medicine eased my pain.
- 大役を果たして気が楽になった
- Now that I have accomplished this important duty, I am relieved./What a relief to have carried out this important mission successfully!
- 楽あれば苦あり
- ((諺)) Every rose has its thorn./We have to take the bad with the good.
- 2〔裕福なこと〕
- 年金で楽に暮らしている
- They lead a comfortable life on a pension.
- 生活は楽ではない
- We have a hard time making ends meet.
- 3〔たやすいこと〕楽な easy
楽に easily; without difficulty
- 楽な仕事
- an easy job/light work
- 思ったほど楽ではない
- It is more difficult than I thought.
- この問題は楽に解ける
- I can solve this problem easily [without difficulty].
- 彼なら楽にその役がつとまるだろう
- He will find [have] no difficulty in playing that part.
- 彼はフランス語が楽に話せる
- He speaks French 「quite naturally [with ease].