1. 1〔組織の仕組み〕a system;〔組織〕(an) organization;〔構造〕(a) structure; machinery
    • 機構を改革する
    • reorganize/restructure an organization
    • 北大西洋条約機構
    • the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ((略 NATO))
    • 国連の機構
    • the organization [machinery] of the United Nations
    • 行政機構
    • a governmental [an administrative] organization/governmental machinery
    • 社会機構
    • the structure [organization] of society/social organization [structure]/the social fabric
    • 経済機構
    • the economic structure
    • 流通機構
    • a distribution system
    • 人体の機構を調べる
    • study the structure of the human body
  1. 2〔機械の内部の仕組み〕a mechanism; the (mechanical) structure
    • この時計の機構は簡単だ
    • The mechanism of this clock is very simple.
  1. 機構改革reorganization; structural reform; the reorganization of a system

