1. 1〔決意する〕
    • いったんこうと決め込むと彼はがむしゃらに進む
    • Once he makes up his mind, he goes full tilt.
    • だんまりを決め込むなんてずるい
    • It's not fair to clam up like that and keep it all to yourself.
  1. 2〔結論を出す〕
    • 彼が犯人だと決め込むのはまだ早い
    • It is too early to conclude [jump to the conclusion] that he is the culprit [guilty party].
  1. 3〔思い込む〕
    • 彼は合格するものと決め込んでいた
    • He hadn'ta doubt in the world [the slightest doubt] that he would pass the examination.
    • 相手も自分にほれていると決め込んでいる
    • He assumes that the girl is also in love with him.
  1. 4〔ふりをする〕
    • 彼は居留守を決め込んだ
    • He pretended to be out.
    • 色男を決め込んでいる
    • He is posing as 「a playboy [a Don Juan].

