1. 1〔その上〕moreover; besides; what is more; on top of that
    • 彼女は美しくて賢く,しかもとても親切だ
    • She is beautiful, clever, and very kind besides.
    • 彼女は資格試験に合格した.しかも1番で
    • She passed the qualifying examination, and what was more, she passed with the top score.
    • 彼は未熟練でしかも怠け者ときている
    • He is unskilled and lazy to boot.(▼to bootは通常,文の終わりに置き,悪いことに使う)
  1. 2〔それでもなお〕
    • 彼はせきと高熱で苦しんでいながら,しかも薬を飲まなかった
    • He was suffering from a cough and a high fever, and yet he didn't take any medicine.
    • 彼は父親にひどくしかられて,しかも全く後悔していない
    • He was severely scolded by his father; nevertheless [still], he's not sorry about what he did.

