1. 〔税金〕(a) tax;〔課税〕taxation ⇒ぜいきん(税金)
    • 物品税
    • a commodity tax
    • 都民[固定資産]税
    • a municipal [property] tax
    • 酒税
    • a liquor tax
    • 相続[所得]税
    • an inheritance [income] tax
    • 輸入税
    • import duties
    • 飲食税
    • a food and drink tax
    • 消費税
    • a consumption tax
    • 遊興税
    • an amusement tax
    • 直接[間接]税
    • a direct [an indirect] tax
    • 累進税
    • a progressive [graduated] tax
    • 付加価値税
    • a value-added tax ((略 VAT))
    • 売上税
    • a sales tax
    • 税を課す
    • impose a tax ((on))
    • 厳しく税を取り立てる
    • collect taxes mercilessly
    • 旅券を示せばカメラを買うのに税が掛からない
    • If you present your passport, you can buy a camera tax-free [duty-free].
    • この品には税が掛かる[掛からない]
    • This article is taxable [tax-exempt].
    • 重い税に苦しむ
    • groan under heavy taxation
    • 税込みの値段
    • the price with taxes included
    • 税込み給与
    • one's salary before taxes (are deducted)
  1. 税収tax revenues; tax yields
  1. 税制税制
    • 税引きの給与
    • take-home pay/one's pay after taxes
    • 税引き価格
    • the price before taxes are added
  1. 税引き後after tax(es);post-tax
    • 税引き後の金利は0.20%である
    • The interest rate after taxes is 0.20%.
  1. 税引き前before tax(es);pre-tax
    • 税引き前利益が10%増加した
    • We had a 10% pre-tax increase in profit.
  1. 税負担((increase; decrease)) the tax burden ((on))
    • 国民の税負担が増している
    • The tax burden on the people is increasing.
  1. 税法税法
  1. 税率税率

