1. 「drop in [call] at ((a place)),drop by ((a place)),stop in [by] ((a place));〔船が〕call [stop] at ((a place))
    • 本屋に立ち寄る
    • drop into a bookstore
    • どうぞお立ち寄りください
    • Please come and see us./Please drop in on us.
    • 叔母の店に立ち寄った
    • I dropped by my aunt's store.
    • こちらにおいでの際にはお立ち寄りください
    • Please drop by when you are in the neighborhood./Look us up when you come [get over] our way.
    • 朝日丸は途中,神戸に立ち寄り,明日横浜に着く予定だ
    • The Asahimaru is due to arrive in Yokohama tomorrow after calling [stopping] at Kobe on the way.

