1. a reader;〔購読者〕a subscriber ((to a magazine, a newspaper))
    • 読者が多い
    • 〔書物・新聞・雑誌が〕be widely read/〔新聞・雑誌が〕have a large circulation
    • この雑誌は5万の読者を持つ
    • This magazine has a circulation [readership] of fifty thousand.
  1. 読者欄a reader's column; a letters-to-the-editor column
  1. 読者層(a class of) readers
    • この雑誌の読者層は主として知識階級である
    • The readers of this magazine are mostly of the intellectual class.
    • 一般の読者層は彼の作品に見向きもしなかった
    • The general reading public had no interest in his works.
    • その雑誌の読者層は厚い
    • The magazine has a large readership.

