1. Iせおう(背負う)
    • 彼女は子供を負ってやって来た
    • She came with a child on her back.
  1. II
  1. 1〔責任などを引き受ける〕
    • 責任を負う
    • take [assume] responsibility ((for))/be responsible ((for))
    • 義務を負う
    • have [undertake/take on] an obligation ((to do))
    • 彼は重要な任務を負っていた
    • He was charged with an important duty.
  1. 2〔おかげ・恩などをこうむる〕owe
    • 君の援助に負うところが大だ
    • 「I am greatly indebted to you [I owe you a great debt] for your help.
    • 国の財政は国債に負うところが大きい
    • The financing of the nation depends greatly on government bonds.
  1. 3〔傷を受ける〕
    • 傷を負う
    • receive [suffer] a wound
    • 手傷を負った犬
    • an injured dog
  1. 負うた子に教えられて浅瀬を渡る((諺)) A fool may give a wise man counsel.
  1. 負うた子より抱いた子People 「value most [care most about] what is closest to them.
  1. 名にし負う名にし負う

