1. I〔暗いこと〕darkness
    • やみを凝視する[透かして見る]
    • stare [peep] into the darkness
    • 列車は夜のやみに消えていった
    • The train vanished into the dark night.
    • やみにまぎれて家を抜け出した
    • He stole out of the house under (the) cover of darkness.
  1. II
  1. 1〔希望のないこと,見通しのつかないこと〕
    • 前途はやみだ
    • Our prospects are bleak [gloomy]./We have a dark future before us.
    • 一寸先はやみの世の中
    • Who can read the future?
  1. 2〔不正な取り引き〕
    • この取り引きはやみではありません
    • This is an aboveboard deal./There is nothing illegal [shady] about this deal.
    • 交渉はやみで行われた
    • The negotiations were conducted behind the scenes.
    • この品はやみで手に入れました
    • I got this (article) 「on the black market [through illegal channels].
    • 配給米をやみに流した
    • He diverted rice for rationing onto the black market.
  1. 闇から闇に葬る1〔堕胎する〕
    • 三か月の胎児はやみからやみに葬られた
    • The three-month-old fetus was aborted (and disposed of) secretly.
  2. 闇から闇に葬る2〔世間に知られずに始末する〕
    • 事件はやみからやみへ葬られた
    • The incident was hushed up.
  1. 闇価格協定an illegal price-fixing agreement
  1. 闇カルテルan unauthorized cartel
  1. 闇給与an underhand allowance; distribution of clandestine salaries
  1. 闇金融black-market financing
    • 闇金融業者
    • a black-market lender/a loan shark
  1. 闇行為black-market activities [dealings]
    • 闇行為を取り締まる
    • crack down on the black market
  1. 闇再販unlawful resale price maintenance
  1. 闇商人a black marketeer
  1. 闇値やみそうば(闇相場)
  1. 闇夜闇夜
  1. 闇ルート((through)) 「an illegal [a black-market] channel [route]

