1. 1〔争い,戦い〕a fight ((for, against, between));《文》 strife; a struggle ((for a thing, with a person))

    闘争する fight ((for, against))

    • 蛇とマングースの激しい闘争
    • a fierce battle [struggle] between a snake and a mongoose
  1. 2〔権利を求める争い〕a struggle ((for));a fight ((for))
    • 順法闘争
    • work-to-rule strike tacticsa slowdown strike
    • 統一闘争
    • a unified struggle
    • 自由を求めて闘争する
    • fight for liberty
    • 主婦たちは消費税引き上げ反対闘争に立ち上がった
    • The housewives rose in opposition to the consumption tax hike.
    • 彼らは賃上げ闘争をやっている
    • They are carrying on a struggle [fight] (with management) for 「higher wages [《米口》 a wage hike].
  1. 闘争資金a (union's) war chest
  1. 闘争心fighting spirit
  1. 闘争戦術struggle tactics; tactics for achieving one's objectives
  1. 闘争方針union policy in a labor dispute
  1. 闘争本能a combative [fighting] instinct
    • 闘争本能をかき立てる
    • arouse [make/stimulate] a person's combative instincts/goad a person to fight
  1. 闘争本部strike headquarters

